The Deep South

One of the best parts of my career is the traveling to different parts of the world. I never know what I will encounter. From Labor Day until about the 15th I was in the southern states. Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia and Alabama. I spent a weekend getting my 2012 Tour of New Orleans ready (Check out the tour page for the information). Then I headed out on the road trip. First stop Alabama. I had not taught in Alabama since Hurricane Georges went through and canceled my tour in 1998. I was asked to teach in Birmingham, AL. It was a cozy and warm school with a terrific clientele. While driving in Mississippi on my way to Alabama I stopped at an old general store: The Simmons/Wright Co. It had been built in the 1920s and was still in the same family. Trust me I would not have wanted to eat anything from the store.. The front part was filled with semi-antiques.. (Top and bottom shelves of displays were not for sale). I found the craziest thing on the top level. About 300 prs of shoes in original boxes from the mid-20s. Crazy I tell you! I had to purchase something so I got a box of old glass German Christmas ornaments and a bar of soap made by a local. I had intended on stopping for a soda or ice cream, but they only thing they sold close was watermelons.
some of the boxes of shoes....
In Birmingham I taught a Breakfast Brunch Class where we had a terrific cake. The recipe is here: Cinnamon Pecan Coffeecake.
Then off to Atlanta to Cooks Warehouse.. They are currently opening their 4th location in the greater area. I taught 3 hands-on classes. All were very special classes for me. It was historical George Geary I should have called it. One of the classes was based on my first pastry job in LA. We did an array of cakes. I am doing that class again in West Lafayette, IN. After that class I will post all of the recipes for it. Another class was called the Best of the Best. One great recipe from each of my books.
As many of you know my hobby and a passion is saving American architecture. With Frank Lloyd Wright and Los Angeles Conserving being the forefront. I was please to take a tour of one of the Ustonion FLW homes in Alabama, then I went off to Jackson, MS where I had a private tour of the Medgar Evers Home (see the movie Help) arranged by her daughter who is a close friend. It was moving and very touching to see the home.
On my way to the airport I had a few hours so I stopped into Willie Maes Scotch House in the 9th ward of New Orleans for some of the best Fried Chicken around!
Here is another recipe: Banana’s Foster from Brenanas.. Yes. I am on a Southern Food Streak! All week I will be posting more of the great
Check back next week for a whole lot of recipes!