Craftsy! Launch Date October 19th!

I spent a week in Denver and had a great time. For those of you that cannot get into my classes or I am not in your area you can sign up! If you have not heard of Craftsy you are missing out. It is a classroom platform on the Internet. Classes are about 2 hours long and in sessions. You can learn at your own pace. You also get recipes, techniques and “hand holding”! The instructors are accessible though email. My class is all about your Food Processor. So many of you have one and don’t use them. I designed the class for you to pull out the processor and use it! Lots of techniques and recipes.. From Soups, appetizers, pizzas to the best Carrot Cake Ever!
For a limited time we are giving a class away. To enter click here: Giveaway
The class launches on October 19th, 2015. Prior to the launch, take a look around and see all of the classes from cooking, photography, knitting and more.. Something for everyone.