It's Spring for Strawberries!

The World of Strawberries... Glace Them!
For ten years most of you know I was the Corporate Chef for Driscoll's Berries Associates. I learned so much and was able to teach it in my classes. I attended a 3 day event in Watsonville, CA that they call " Driscoll University" From packaging of the berries to picking a flat and the judging of the product. You also learned how the berries go from field to home..
First the long stem berry... Its called the King Berry. only one comes from the plant and its normally the first berry off of the plant. I used to think that a long stemmed berry was made up of a careful picker that would cut the berry further of the plant.
Water damages berries! Do not wash your berries until right before you need to use them.
For every hour berries are out of refrigeration, you loose one day of freshness. Berries will last about 8 days if they are stored correctly. I act like berries are like ice cream! Place into a single layer on a tray into your fridge.
Here is a recipe for Glace Berries. I made them in Dayton, OH at Dorothy Lane Market. You can use these as decoration on a cake.