Fruit Cake and Onion Jam

We ALL know the horrible dreaded fruitcake. I really hate it. Now if it was dipped in chocolate or not made of fruit that sticks to your teeth.. Maybe.
One of my first jobs was at The Cake Walk on 3rd street in Los Angeles. It truly was one of my favorite jobs. Biill and Bill owned it. Christmas time was a mad house we did crazy things for the industry (Media) since we were only block away from Paramount and so many other production places. One job I had (since I had the best writing) An industry person would give us their entire LA area holiday card list. We would take that and sign their names and deliver a cake (Mostly Lemon, Pistachio, Fruitcake or Chocolate Cherry) with the holiday card. Gladice and David Beagleman (former producer and agent) had the longest list, over 300. Funny I would sign the cards and David was arrested only a few years prior for embezzling.
Our fruit cake at the Cake Walk had the candied oranges and Grand Marnier (really cheep triple sec), And golden raisins. This recipe is from 1980 when I was in pastry school. I created it and I still use it today. Its great.. That is if you love Fruit Cake.. I have my fruits right now soaking and Sunday is when I am baking mine for my father. Its his favorite!
Onion Jam This is a very useful Jam. Take a little and place it on a toast point, Add cheese on top and place under the boiler until bubbling.

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