Zesty Smoked Salmon Spread

Zesty Smoked Salmon Spread
Most of us do not use our food processors enough. The first thing I hear.. "I hate washing it!" OK OK.. so what appliance do you not have to wash? I think its the awkwardness of the parts.. You have a lid that has a tube that falls out and the lid or cover will not sit right, then the blade.. OH that's another storey.. Do not try to take the blade out of the bowl when you are talking and not paying attention.. Yes.. I had to throw away everything. Then you have the bowl.. Lastly the housing that does not get wet. Well. make some appetizers, salsas and spreads with the machine. Stop having it just sit on your counter! If you are in need of more recipes besides this one, I have two books on the subject. 125 Best Food Processor Recipes and 650 Best. All in my store.
Here is the recipe: Zesty Smoked Salmon Spread

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