European Butter Cookies..

Ah..Meyer Lemon Butter Cookies.
This past weekend was a "nature" weekend. It was sunny about 80F here in SoCal. We took a little "road trip" to the wild flowers.. The hills were packed with so many varieties of flowers! With all of the rain we have had the hills exposed their beauty for us!
After the flowers then off to California Historical Citrus State Park. It is a MUST visit stop. They have tours of the farms and all of the citrus. This time of year the aroma is intoxicating.. You also come home with a sample bag of the varieties! Afterwards I purchased 30 pounds of oranges.. A cross between Navel and Blood. Jams will be made this week!
Here is the recipe for the butter cookies..Recipe for Butter Cookies
A few years back I came across a rolling pin company that made embossed pins.. They are out of Poland.. But they ship to the states! Take a look at Rolling Woods Store.
Until next time..
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